  Gibb’s Farm
Five Values

Olkaria clay is used for adornment and exfoliation

New Tourism & the Harmony Project, All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2004 - 2012

African Living Spa, and Living Spa ® are registered/trademarked.       

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All those involved with healing  at The African Living Spa believe that food grown in healthy soil and freshly harvested is full of nutrients and brimming with energy which supports both  health and happiness.  We feel fortunate to have Mikawahani and Namnyak villages and our own ten acre organic farm as the source for most of the food served at the African Living Spa.  It provides community with wonderfully health giving, nourishing food and many medicinal plants.  The farm not only provides this marvelous food but is the kind of place that nurtures babies: children, calves, and young goats.  It is the kind of place that restores hope in a positive, vibrant and sustainable future.

Encounter the healing power of this rich, red earth.  Traditionally used to temporarily adorn the body and soften the complexion, Olkaria red clay is used to remove superficial impurities and dead skin cells as it softens and smoothes the skin.  Applied warm and moist over the whole body, this velvety natural exfoliate is allowed to dry slowly.  The skin is then gently massage-rubbed, reducing the clay to a fine power.  As the skin yields to this gentle but thorough exfoliation, the powder residue is gently rinsed away under the soft rain of the Vichy-like shower, especially designed for this purpose. See pictures above.  After this soft shower the skin is patted dry and the exceptional smooth, satin texture imparted by this process is revealed.  One may prefer to soak in a full bath as one looks out into the surrounding gardens.

Using the local coffee beans this treatment incorporates both the vigorous effect and stimulating aroma of freshly ground, farm-grown coffee.  The grounds are a gentle but efficient exfoliant while the caffeine is known to tone and firm skin. Topically, caffeine may also help redistribute fat cells and decrease the formulation of cellulite while it helps tighten and shrink superficial blood vessels, leaving the skin feeling firmer and more vital.

Village blessing prayer that asks for blessing to the house, the mother, the infant, and the whole family.

“Naomoni aaayai,

The one who is prayed for and I also pray.

Naikurukur nesha,

God of the thunder and the rain,

lye oshi ak-aaomon.

Thee I always pray,

Kileken oilepu,

Morning star which rises,

lye oshi ak-aaomon.

Thee I always pray.

Paasai leleshwa,

The Indescribable Color,

Iye oshi ak-aaomon.”

Thee I always pray. 

This song constitutes a blessing to the house, the mother, the

infant, and the whole family. (see note)

“After eight days forgoing showers while climbing Kilimanjaro, the clay treatment results are well appreciated and luxurious.” 

“The Okaria Clay Treatment was an experience I have never had before.  Being left under the shower outside or in the bath after a scrub – unbelievable!”
  1. Engop Sidai                                                                               (fertility of the land and to sustain medicine,  cows and life)

African Living Spa Offering

The following is not a menu from which you can select, it offers insight into the philosophy and treatments that support the healing  journey created with the guidance of a personal healer:

Note:  “Maasai”,  Tepilit Ole Saitoti, Carol Beckwith  (1985)

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  1. 1. Igishu Oor Ingera            Wealth in children & cows

  2. 2. Engare Naipusa                Pure water with milk

  3. 3. Engishon                           Personal retreat for health

  4. 4. Engop Sidai                      Fertility of the land

  5. 5. Engai                                 Spirit of the place
